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Edition #12 May 23, 2023

Laguna Hills Little League

Closing Day Special

What a day! It started with a team of parents and our field manager Joe Dietz rebuilding the mound at Main Field (it rained the night before) and ended with a few finishing touches after a successful closing day ceremony. 

In between, we had two division champions crowned, a well played AAA playoff game that was back and forth the whole way and our closing ceremonies.  Congrats to the A Red Sox and the AA Angels!

I’m a dad and I had skin in two of the games played Saturday. My heart was beating out of my chest at times. I don’t ever remember being so nervous when I played. I guess it’s true what they say about wearing your heart on your sleeve as a parent. 

After closing day, I took a second and sat down in right field and I looked at all our children playing together and parents talking about summer and plans for next year’s domination strategy.  All I could think about is what a fantastic community this is. All because of you –  parents, coaches and volunteers. What a great experience we are all giving our kids, as they learn about friendship, teamwork, leadership and hopefully a little bit about baseball. Thank you. It was a great year!

Pictures from Closing Day

Majors team flashing their bling


Alex Tsujiuchi making plays at the AAA Dodgers vs. Red Sox game.


Am I in the yearbook?

Happy to help.. making field prep look graceful

Closing Day 

More from Closing Day

Our Majors Dodgers after they last game.

AA champion Angels

The Mad Hatter

Way to go champ!

More cuteness

Here's to You, Mister President

Mister Little League is stepping down after this year. Don’t worry, he’ll still be around, but let’s take a moment to say thank you. You lived and breathed Laguna Hills Little League and held us all together and enabled us to thrive. You built a strong community of volunteers and friendships. 

We know it wasn’t always easy and there were decisions you didn’t want to make and conversations that you didn’t want to have. It’s not easy making everyone happy. But all in all you had a pretty good winning percentage. You left it better off then when you got it. 

So let’s virtually tip our caps, and say thanks to one of the great ones. You’re a good man Dan Mandel. 


Volunteer for our year-end Tournament

Laguna Hills is hosting the 10 year old all-star District 55 tournament this year. We need volunteers. If you’re a fan of youth baseball you will not want to miss it. There is a ton of talent and close fought games – so come on down and be a part of this community event. 

Look for the email coming out soon to sign up!

Thank You Home Run Sponsors!

Good Call Blue

Fill in your details and we’ll get back to you in no time.