Laguna Hills Little League

I hope this message finds you well. 

Today, I’m asking if you would consider joining our team, not in the dugout, but as a valued sponsor. Your support would not only help cover the costs of equipment and uniforms but also ensure that every child has the chance to play, regardless of their family’s financial situation.

Imagine your business’s name on the back of their jerseys, a symbol of your commitment to the future of our community and the sport that brings us all together. It’s more than a sponsorship; it’s an investment in the dreams of these young players.

Laguna Hills Little League, is a group of spirited young ballplayers who embody the joy and determination of our national pastime. These kids are not just playing baseball; they’re learning about teamwork, discipline, and the pursuit of excellence—lessons that will serve them well both on and off the field.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful difference. I look forward to the possibility of your business becoming part of our Little League family.

Warm regards,

The Board of Laguna Hills Little League